Tips for Managing Difficult Owners at Strata Meetings
June 27, 2022
20 Year Anniversary Celebration for Ace Franchisees
August 1, 2022
Tips for Managing Difficult Owners at Strata Meetings
June 27, 2022
20 Year Anniversary Celebration for Ace Franchisees
August 1, 2022Guide to Having a Pet in a Body Corporate Property
“RSPCA Qld does not support the blanket prohibiting of pets in strata schemes. It is the RSPCA Qld view that the decision to own a pet should rest with the individual as a lot owner or tenant where the pet can be reasonably accommodated and its welfare provided for and where the pet does not create a nuisance for other residents.”
Owning a pet can be a very positive experience and can certainly be accommodated in Strata living. This view is being supported by recent and current changes in State and Territory legislation for pets in strata NSW, Victoria and Queensland. By-laws regulating ownership of pets are in place and subject to strata approval for pets, to ensure that pets do not create a nuisance for any residents, while still allowing for responsible pet ownership if the necessary requirements are met. It is important to remember that by-laws within and specific to each Strata Community have been developed to enhance the enjoyment and peaceful occupation of all those residing in the community, with or without pets.
No one wants someone who is downsizing or moving from one strata property to another, to have to give up their beloved pet. By like token, no one wants their right to peaceful living disturbed and compromised by another person’s unruly, noisy, smelly, dangerous or badly behaved pet. It is a challenge for Body Corporates to get this balance right when approving a strata pet application.
It is worth taking note that the expectation that neighbours are not disturbed by pets is NOT something relegated to Strata living only. Local councils throughout Australia require the same consideration for all residents. There are specific rules for responsible pet ownership and penalties for not complying with local legislation when it comes to issues of pets being a nuisance to neighbours. By-laws within Body Corporates understandably and sensibly echo these requirements.
Consider how you would feel and how you would respond to a nuisance pet in a neighbouring property - one that perhaps disturbed your sleep or was annoying enough during the day to prevent the peaceful enjoyment of your home? If applying to own a pet, think about how you would manage all that is necessary to ensure your pet’s welfare and for it not to disturb your neighbours. The stress of managing a problem pet can be immense and solving the problem can be tricky, especially if they are angelic when you are home and naughty when you are out.
To help navigate responsible pet ownership and for it to be a positive experience for you, your pet and your neighbours, here’s what you should consider before resigning a pet to life in a body corporate and completing a strata pet application:
- Space versus type of pet and breed (large dog v small dog is not necessary indicative as it’s tied back to the breed, their personality and their requirement for space including consideration for cats and access to balconies or being allowed to roam common property areas)
- Access to outdoor activity (if limited space to exercise, then they will need to be taken out regularly. How regularly can you commit to walking / exercising / interacting with them?)
- How long will they be left alone during the day and how will they cope?
- Will the pet be bored and destructive, bark, meow or chirp excessively causing issues for neighbours who are home to hear it?
- Ability/inability to relieve themselves while at home (dogs left on balconies and washing down balconies onto floors below is not acceptable). So think about how you would clean up after your pet and manage its toileting requirements in the space that you are living in.
- Noise transfer (if the type of pet and breed is known to be noisy like canaries and parrots for instance)
- Traversing common property areas and coming across people who may be fearful of your pet - whether the fear is rational, or what to you would be irrational. And just like us, all pets have their own personalities and some dogs just don’t like other dogs (as an example) which could create uncomfortable or confronting circumstances in lifts, foyers, basements, etc.
- Having a pet in a small space could disturb your own enjoyment of your home.
- Additional financial costs related to pet ownership - food, veterinary care, bedding, toys, vaccinations, monthly tick and flea and worming medications, etc.
You also need to remember that pet ownership is a long term commitment. Dogs and cats can live up to 18 years or more, and parrots and reptiles for a lot longer.
Owners corporations have experience in the nuances of pet ownership and the management within the specific environment and limitations of the community they are responsible for. Not only may it be a requirement to get strata approval for pets from your Body Corporate through a Body Corporate Pet Application form, but applications to the Body Corporate for pet ownership and the questions you are required to answer can be very helpful in determining the right pet for your circumstances, situation and strata living environment. You will also then be made aware of your responsibilities to the community as a pet owner. It is in no one's best interest for your pet to become a nuisance and for you to have to spend time and money trying to resolve a problem in what can become a very stressful situation. ‘Pet Regret’ can be an issue and so investing in owning one should not be a decision taken lightly.
Regulation of pet ownership, and good management to ensure pets do not disturb fellow residents (with defined and specific recourse should a problem develop), is an asset to any Strata living environment, as it aims to ensure the safe and peaceful living of all residents (including you) and their beloved pets. Happy pets, no regrets!
To find out how you can apply to own pets in strata schemes in your state and to discuss which pet might be best suited for your owners corporation, contact our friendly and knowledgeable Ace Body Corporate Managers.