Working Alongside Your Body Corporate Manager for Greater Results
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July 11, 2023Working Alongside Your Body Corporate Manager for Greater Results
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Top 10 Ideas for Strata Property Maintenance
“My bathroom tap is leaking. Can I charge the body corporate for it? Generally speaking, no. The taps are internal of the apartment and not in or relating to the benefit of more than one lot or the common property, so it is unlikely that the bathroom tap of a lot would be classified as common property. The obligation of the body corporate extends only to repairs and maintenance of the common property; and the chattels, fixtures, fittings and services related to the common property or its enjoyment.” SCA - Strata Community Association
If you're a lot owner in a strata property, maintaining your own unit is crucial to ensure the longevity and value of your investment. Managing the various tasks of strata property maintenance can be challenging as there are numerous tasks that must be taken care of by individual lot owners for their own units, as well as collectively by all owners for the building and its surroundings. Keep reading to learn how to take care of your strata property and maximise your investment's value, both as an individual lot owner and as part of the body corporate.
Strata Property Maintenance for Lot Owners
Regular Inspections
Conduct regular inspections of your lot and common areas to identify any property maintenance issues early on. This includes checking for leaks, cracks, broken fixtures, or other signs of wear and tear.
Create a Maintenance Schedule
Develop a maintenance schedule for your lot and common areas, and stick to it. This can include regular cleaning, gardening, painting, and other property maintenance tasks that need to be performed on a routine basis. Having a schedule in place helps ensure that tasks are not overlooked or neglected.
Stay Informed
Stay updated with the bylaws, rules, and regulations of your strata property. Familiarise yourself with the maintenance responsibilities and procedures outlined in the strata bylaws, and ensure that you and your fellow lot owners are abiding by them. This can help prevent conflicts and ensure that maintenance tasks are carried out efficiently by all parties.
Collaborate with Fellow Lot Owners
Collaborate with your fellow lot owners to collectively address maintenance issues. Establish a system for reporting and resolving maintenance concerns, and work together to share the responsibilities and costs associated with maintenance property services. This can help create a cohesive community and ensure that everyone contributes to maintaining the strata property.
Engage Professional Service Providers
Hire qualified and reputable professionals for maintenance tasks that require specialised skills, such as electrical or plumbing repairs. Engaging professional service providers can help ensure that maintenance tasks are done correctly and safely, and can also save you money in the long run by avoiding costly mistakes.
Create a Reserve Fund
Set up and contribute to the reserve fund set up by the Owners Corporation to cover unexpected maintenance expenses. Creating and maintaining a reserve fund for property maintenance is a proactive approach to ensure that your strata property remains well-maintained and financially sustainable in the long run.
Be Proactive with Repairs
Address maintenance issues and hire professionals to make sure repairs are done properly as soon as they are identified to prevent them from escalating into bigger and costlier problems. Ignoring minor repairs can lead to further damage and expenses down the line.
Maintain Landscaping
Properly maintain the garden areas of your strata property to keep it looking neat and well-kept. Regularly mow lawns, trim hedges, and remove weeds to ensure areas surrounding your property and gardens are clean and visually appealing. Consider hiring a professional landscaper if needed.
Follow Safety Regulations
Follow safety regulations and guidelines for your strata property. This includes ensuring that fire exits are clear, emergency lighting is functional, and common areas are well-lit.
Communicate and Participate
Stay actively involved in the strata property community by attending meetings and participating in discussions. Stay informed about ongoing maintenance projects, proposed changes, and other matters related to property maintenance. Your input and involvement can help shape the decisions and actions taken for the benefit of the entire community.
Coordinating with Your Body Corporate Manager
Another crucial aspect of effective strata property maintenance is coordinating any common area maintenance with the Body Corporate Management.
The Body Corporate Management is a valuable resource who can help you navigate the complexities of strata property management and ensure that maintenance tasks are carried out efficiently. Here are some ways you can collaborate with your Body Corporate Manager for effective property maintenance:
- Regular Communication - Maintain regular communication with your Body Corporate Manager regarding maintenance concerns. Report any issues or repairs needed promptly, and provide detailed information about the problem. This can help the Body Corporate Manager assess the situation accurately and take appropriate action.
- Follow the Body Corporate Manager’s Recommendations - Body Corporate Managers are experienced in property management and can provide recommendations on maintenance tasks, service providers, and budgeting. Follow their advice and recommendations to ensure that maintenance is carried out efficiently and in compliance with relevant bylaws and regulations.
- Review and Approve Maintenance Proposals - Body Corporate Managers may provide proposals for maintenance projects or repairs. Review these proposals carefully and provide timely approvals, keeping in mind the best interests of the strata property as a whole. Prompt approvals can help prevent delays in addressing maintenance issues and further damage occurring while the matter remains unresolved/unrepaired.
- Coordinate Maintenance Activities - Work closely with the Body Corporate Management to coordinate maintenance activities at your strata property. This includes scheduling repairs, coordinating access to units or common areas, and ensuring that all lot owners are aware of the maintenance schedule. Proper coordination can help ensure that maintenance tasks are carried out smoothly, with minimal disruptions and at minimal expense.
- Review Budgets and Reserve Funds - The Body Corporate Management often prepares budgets and reserve fund plans for maintenance and repairs. Review these documents carefully and provide feedback during the budgeting process. Ensure that sufficient funds are allocated for reactive and proactive routine maintenance tasks and that the reserve fund is being appropriately managed to cover unexpected expenses.
- Seek Professional Advice - Body Corporate Managers can provide professional advice on maintenance matters, including identifying the need for specialised service providers or contractors. Consult with your Body Corporate Manager before hiring any service provider to ensure that they are qualified and reputable, and that their services are within the budget and scope of work approved by the strata council.
Remember, effective maintenance not only enhances the value of your investment but also contributes to a safe and enjoyable living environment for all lot owners in the strata property.
With ACE Body Corporate Management, property owners can rest easy knowing that an experienced team is handling any maintenance requests, promptly and efficiently, preventing potential issues from escalating into costly delays. In addition to efficient maintenance property services, we offer exceptional body corporate management services tailored to the needs of each individual property. Our team of experts works closely with property owners to develop a customised management plan that prioritises cost-effectiveness, transparency, and timely communication. By providing comprehensive and reliable management services, we ensure that properties are well-maintained and operate smoothly, ultimately protecting the value of each owner's investment. Contact us today.